Electric Vehicle

Are Electric Vehicles Really Green or Entirely Use Clean Energy?

The electrical vehicle (EV) is a recent concept in the world in the automobile industry.  Although some companies have come up with new generation of model of vehicles using electricity, these companies offer hybrid vehicles that use electricity and gas. The automobile industry has witnessed frequent evolution and adaptation.  There was a time when drum brakes and got replaced with advanced disc brakes. Carburetors have been replaced by advanced electronic fuel injection and finally it gave rise to electric vehicles in place of petrol and diesel powered vehicles. What are the disadvantages of electric vehicles?

In the present situation, Internal Combustion Engine has been replaced by electric motor. But it has its limitations and usage of electric vehicles. The electric cars or vehicles are yet to be emerged as the sure shot answers to the traditional petrol or diesel powered vehicles. We should analyze the pros and cons of electric vehicles.

What are the disadvantages of Electric Vehicles? 

  1. Limited Traveling Distance and High Recharge Time: If you are planning to travel a long distance in your electric vehicle, you could face a lot of problems. Nowadays, electric vehicles travel at a stretch 400-450 kms with a 100% battery charge. If there is green-payload, the effective range will further reduce. You can find petrol pumps in entire country whereas there are a very few electric charge stations. To get charged up 0-100%, it will take 6-10 hours and even get you stranded in the middle of the road.
  2. Is the energy in EV green? In most of the countries, almost 50% electricity produced is from Thermal Power Plants where coal burning is the way to produce electricity. The clean energy sources contribute only 25% to this date. As the growth electric vehicle market, it will lead to widespread demand for electricity consumption. This is directly proportional large-scale coal burning. As there is an enough investment in clean energy sources,, the thermal power  would remain the dominant source.
  3. Less Number of Electric Charging Stations: There is a very few electric charging stations that you can find around the world compared to petrol pumps which are rampant.
  4. The Initial Investment is Difficult: Electric vehicle concept is new and even most affordable brands won’t be affordable for a common man. Its cost is too high compared to general vehicles.
  5. Electric Vehicles Aren’t Free: Electric cars can trouble you in the form of electric bills if you don’t use it carefully. If you don’t make enough research about the electric consumption in these EVs, it can be expensive for you.
  6. Short Range and Speed: These electric cars are limited by range and speed. These cars have a range of at best 400 Kms with 100% recharge and limited sped range.
  7. Silence As a Disadvantage: Silence can be a problem as the bystanders won’t able to listen to noise and can be accident prone.
  8. Battery Replacement in Short duration in 3-10 years
  9. Not suitable for cities and facing the shortage of power

Electric Vehicles provide many advantages irrespective of its disadvantages as compared to conventional gasoline powered traditional vehicles. While purchasing an electric vehicle, people stay in dilemma when to buy a fully electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid electric vehicle or Gasoline powered vehicle. The electric vehicles have advantages include:

  1. Electric Cars are Energy Efficient
  2. No carbon emission
  3. High performance
  4. Electric cars require low maintenance

Due to the depleted fossil fuel reserve in the world and global warming effect, more and more countries are moving towards clean energy and electric cars are a great step in that regard.

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