App Review

What are tricks of writing a good app review?

When you decide to purchase an app, you can find several reviews for the said app in the app store. What impressions do you have about those app reviews? Many of those reviews are uninformed and people don’t know how those reviews should be written. They are never systematic in their write-ups.  The people who have purchased the apps can contribute to the reviews. In some cases, people don’t understand what the purpose of those apps was. Some people send technical support questions. Then, some people write bad reviews for their competitor apps. So the question arises how can we write a good app review?

How can you write App Review?

Go to the App Store and choose an app that you want to write the review on. Click on the app and follow the instructions given.  Here, you have to click on the star rating, 5* is the topmost rating.  You can provide the app 5* rating if you feel that the app is good.

Steps of Writing an App Review

Step 1:  Open your Android or iPhone Mobile or Tablet, Open Google Play Store App.

Step 2:  Search for the app you want to write the review.

Step 3:  Select the app and open its detail page.

Step 4: Scroll until you find the review section.

Step 5: Provide the number of Star Rating

Step 6: Read onscreen instructions and start writing the review and also add details.


What need to be included in an app review?

There are so many apps available in App stores; the high-quality apps need reviews.

  1. Mention your name, affiliation and expertise.
  2. Provide App name or check for the official name in the app stores
  3. Write the App version
  4. Write about the developer and give his/her link to their website
  5. Provide Link to the app store. …
  6. Mention the Platform whether it’s iOS, Android, or web, or other.

When you are writing review for a high-quality app, you should write the following way:

  1. Give useful and constructive feedback.
  2. Provide information about range of factors, including customer service.
  3. Provide information detail, be specific and impartial.
  4. Provide links and personal data.
  5. Be civil and should have a friendly approach.
  6. Check whether you have given the correct domain name or company.

If you are writing the review, the word count won’t matter.  It’s more of a blog or opinion that you delivering. Never consider it like a college assignment.

  • When start writing the review for an app, you go on analyzing one after another aspect and go on writing about them.
  • The best thing is that you should give your views impartial way.
  • The things you should always write about are:
  • The main things that app can perform
  • How good is the app in performing its main task?
  • How smoothly is the app performing under specified conditions?
  • What are the minimum needs of the app?
  • How does the app different from its competitors?
  • What is the value for money of the app?
  • How long it is expected for the app to thrive in the market?
  • Is there any missing feature or problem in the app?
  • What is unique in the app that stands out?
  • Is there any update planned?
  • Provide the rating out of 5 or 10
  • Conclusion- Final Assessment

Whenever you are writing for an app review, write in a free flowing manner. It should seem that it’s coming naturally to you. Never be methodical and preplanned. Just maintain the pace.

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